Whitby High school
The Whitby High School is built on a tradition of excellence. Founded over 50 years ago, our expertise has helped us to develop a curriculum that embodies our values:Prepare, Achieve, Care and Enjoy. It is a larger-than-average high school of approximately 1600 pupils with the inclusion of a sixth form. Most students are of White British heritage and the majority of students speak English as their first language. The proportion of students identified by the school as disabled or as having special educational needs is similar to the national average. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils at the school is also similar to the national average. The term disadvantaged pupils is used to describe those pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals and those who are looked after by the local authority. These pupils receive additional support from the pupil premium funding.
The school holds a number of awards including the Arts Mark Gold, International Schools Award, Investors in People and the Healthy Schools Award. The school has been rated as “Good” By Ofsted and “Outstanding” for PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) Expertise The school embraces Citizenship Education within its curriculum and considers that it is an important subject which helps a young person to develop their understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizens of the world. It aims to encourage young people to participate in decision- making within their own social groups and later in their local, European and Global communities. Citizenship aims to equip students with the understanding and skills to participate effectively in society. The students study Citizenship in Year 7 to 11 and the programme of study has been compiled by a qualified Citizenship teacher who has over 30 years of teaching experience. Examples of topics include – Rights and Responsibilities, Diversity, Democracy, Our Communities (local, regional, European and Global) Citizenship is also delivered through other subject areas such as Geography, History and Ethics and Philosophy.
Teachers have specialist knowledge of these subjects and will contribute their subject specialism to the project.
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